Attention Deficit Disorder with or without Hyperactivity
ADD is characterized by the inability to sustain attention for a longer period of time and heightened distractibility. If it is accompanied by hyperactivity, then it is referred to as ADHD.
Individuals with ADD/ADHD can be extremely successful, especially when interested in a subject. This can sometimes manifest by being absorbed in the task to the exclusion of everything else that is going on in their life. In its mild to moderate spectrum, ADD/ADHD can be easily treated with behavioral interventions and organizational skills.
Medication in conjunction with behavioral therapy is the treatment of choice for moderate to severe cases of ADD/ADHD. If not diagnosed or treated, this can lead to anger, feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, anxiety, academic and work-related issues as well as relationship problems.
At Clinic Dr.Bita we offer Neurocognitive evaluations as well as therapy to learn tools and techniques for symptoms of ADD/ADHD.